New WIC Reset Utility has availability for some printer models to make them Chipless. What does it mean? Printer will show 100% ink level all time you use it. You can get out ink cartridges or just IC Chips and printer will print as usual. Once You change printers firmware to Chipless Firmware – the […]
Posts Tagged ‘epson firmware’
How to make Epson printer Chipless? Disable IC Ink Cartridges Chips. Printer not need Ink Cartridges anymore!

Downgrade printers firmware in Service Mode and in Regular Mode

WIC Utility supports firmware downgrade for all supported (supported models list) Epson Inkjet printers. You can first check if firmware downgrade is available for Your printer model: Go to Supported Models Tab, find Your printer model and put mouse to letter [I] – You will see new window with list of options available with Yours […]